The Australasian Prevocational Medical Officers’ Committee (APMOC) meets twice a year and is administratively supported by the Confederation of Prevocational Medical Education Councils (CPMEC). The committee meets face to face for both meetings with each jurisdictional Postgraduate Medical Council (or equivalent) sponsoring the attendance of their state or territory JMOF President/Chair.
The APMOC brings together Australasian (including New Zealand) Prevocational Doctor forum representatives and other interested prevocational doctors to discuss current issues in prevocational doctor education and training.
One of the face to face meetings is held in conjunction with the annual national Prevocational Medical Education Forum. At this meeting the APMOC develops a statement of resolutions addressing the educational and welfare needs of junior doctors in training, to improve medical education in Australia and ultimately improve the care of patients.
The 2024 APMOC meeting took place in Darwin as part of the 28th Australian and New Zealand Prevocational Medical Education Forum.
The 2022-23 APMOC Resolutions had input from junior doctors from all Australian states and territories, including New Zealand. It presents the largest collective consensus opinion of prevocational doctors on various education, accreditation, welfare and training matters.
Resolutions from AJMOC face to face meetings
1. Medical workforce planning and development
2. Accreditation of health services to provide prevocational training
3. Health and well-being
4. Career planning
5. Education and training
6. Advocacy
2022-2023 AJMOC Resolutions
2017-2019 AJMOC Resolutions